Are you interested in discussing barriers and enablers of the implementation of Floating Offshore Wind Technologies in Portugal? WavEC is organising its 3rd MARINEWIND Co-creation workshop next 29th of May in Lisbon (Lisbon Energy Summit 2024) from 14H00 to 17H00 and we have 20 seats available for you to attend and actively participate.

We are looking for participants of the following sectors working in Portugal: Industry, Scientific & Research, Public authorities, Public authorities, Green innovation or Policy/Regulatory. If you identify yourself as a potential participant, please send your interest until Monday 27 May and identify your sector to so that we can validate your participation. Attendance is free!

Organised in collaboration with the Lisbon Energy Summit & Exhibition, the workshop at FIL – Lisbon Exhibition and Congress Centre.

🌊Our event is one of the +400 #EMDInMyCountry events celebrating the European Maritime Day across Europe!🌊

About the Workshop:

This workshop is part of the European MARINEWIND project, which aims to address the challenges of floating offshore wind energy, boosting the development of this technology. While Portugal has positioned itself as a leader in pioneering Floating Offshore Wind Technologies, the transition from innovation to industrialization presents many challenges. Some of these include adapting the political and legal framework, improving support infrastructures, consolidating a national supply chain, strengthening and expanding the national grid and addressing environmental and social acceptance challenges. During this session, we will analyse these barriers and enablers, with particular focus on those relating to the power grid.

We count on your presence and contribution to ensure successful knowledge sharing so that the development of this key sector in Portugal occurs in a sustainable way!


14:00-14.30     Welcome coffee
14:30-14:45     Presentation of the European Project MARINEWIND
14:45-15:15     Presentation of Unlocking the potential of Floating Offshore Wind Technologies in Portugal – An overall analysis of barriers and enablers.
15:15-16:00     MARINEWIND Survey: anonymous filling out of an online survey and visualization and discussion of the results in real time with the aim of analyzing the barriers and opportunities for implementing FOW projects in Portugal.
16:00-16:30     Closing and coffee break

Presenter and moderator: Paulo Chainho, Senior Offshore Electrical Engineer, WavEC Offshore Renewables

About the Lisbon Energy Summit & Exhibition:
Lisbon Energy Summit & Exhibition, 27-29 May, a platform for 3,000 senior executives to discuss challenges and opportunities associated with the energy transition, covering the topics of intermittency and grid integration, investment and financing, policy and regulatory uncertainty, infrastructure development, and skill shortages. Attendees of the MARINEWIND Project Workshop can attend the Summit by registering as a visitor here: REGISTER AS A VISITOR.

The conference takes place across three theatres: Strategic, Hydrogen & Decarbonisation, and Climatetech, delegates will hear from 250+ speakers about the latest best practice, and gain strategic insights that they can apply in their own organisations or projects. Attendees of the MARINEWIND Project Workshop can benefit from exclusive preferential rates (10% discount) to register as a delegate here: REGISTER AS A DELEGATE.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.